
SDG Initiatives

Basic Sustainability Policy

Based on the Osaka Soda Group’s corporate philosophy of “contributing to the realization of a safe and affluent society through our creative technologies and innovative products,” our company has established a basic sustainability policy of “contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through business activities while increasing our own corporate value.”

  • Group Corporate Philosophy

    Contribute to the realization of a safe and affluent
    society through our creative technologies and innovative products

  • Management Vision
    1. Contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through environmentally and safety-conscious manufacturing
    2. Meet the needs of our customers with globally competitive technologies and qualities
    3. Respect the values of each and every one of our employees and aim to be a company that grows together
  • Basic Sustainability Policy

    Contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through
    business activities while increasing our own corporate value

Four Materialities (Key Issues)

Based on our Basic Sustainability Policy, the Osaka Soda Group has identified materiality (key issues) using the following identification process. We have established important factors for each of the four materialities of “providing social value through business,” “strengthening the business base,” “developing human resources,” and “strengthening CSR activities” and incorporated them into specific initiatives.

Process of identifying materiality
  1. STEP 1 Extract business activities that the Group contributes to and challenges to continuing sustainable growth
  2. STEP 2 Extract issues that do not overlap with Step 1 from the ISO26000/GRI standards as issues required by society
  3. STEP 3 Identify issues from the perspective of both stakeholders and the Group
  4. STEP 4 Group the identified issues and extract materiality
  5. STEP 5 Identify SDG materiality at management meetings
Importance to stakeholders
Materiality to
the Osaka Soda
Very important
Important Very important
Importance to the company
Four Materialities
1Providing social value
through business
  • Providing social value through business
  • Contributing to society through business activities
the business base
  • Continuous strengthening of the business base
3Human resource
  • Creating a pleasant workplace and developing human resources
4Strengthening CSR
  • Management, safety, and quality of chemicals
  • Environmental protection
  • Occupational health and safety / Security and disaster prevention
  • Addressing climate change issues